Brazil’s World Cup could have a huge effect on the October presidential election; leaders of the Brazilian Labor Party broke with the governing coalition and have gone over to the opposition candidate.  

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Horacio Serpa urged former President Uribe to respect democracy as President Santos must now deal with a plethora of conflicting interests, and the leader of the UP says Colombia’s left must reorganize and unite. 

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The arguments over voluntary versus compulsory voting in Latin America continue, and were given new strength after the presidential election in Colombia in which just shy of 50% of voters turned out. 

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The PRSC calls on Dominican women to restore family values. 

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Beginning in 2015, Honduras will be a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, where it will promote sustainable tourism and combat insecurity. 

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Machu Picchu was voted the most desired destination in the world, according to the budget accommodation firm,  The suspension bridge that they call Q’eswachaca was recognized by UNESCO as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

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The author recounts the dizzying journey Matías, a writer who uses words to get revenge, becomes lost in a self-destructive spiral and returns to Mexico after the death of his father.  “Human beings cling to identity.” 

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Mesa Soto won the Palme d’Or. 

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Since colonial times the mountain has been the symbol of mineral wealth in South America and has become a national emblem for Bolivia. But after nearly 500 years its top is losing its characteristic shape due to a large sinkhole. 

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Communities living in remote areas such as Darién depend on the resources offered by nature, but they cannot exceed certain limits of consumption, said Carmen Medina, coordinator of the National Environmental Authority (ANAM). 

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