The director of the National Library of China emphasized that Chinese readers can now access better knowledge of a distant country. 

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President Enrique Peña Nieto says that his country must face its challenges with determination, and dare to change, but that change will bring opportunities.   

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Many new reserves were recorded in the rolls of UNESCO and the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve could be in danger. 

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The Chikungunya virus is spreading rapidly through Central America and the Caribbean. 

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There is flooding in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, with record rainfall and rivers swelling. 

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The Central American child-migrant crisis is “one of the greatest tragedies” says Costa Rica’s President Luis Guillermo Solís.  Others called it a “humanitarian emergency” and a “social catastrophe.” 

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Uruguay’s president José Mujica delivered a message from Barak Obama to Cuba’s Raul Castro. 

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Bolivia and Chile are not on the same page about access to the Pacific, literally. 

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Venezuela’s government urged the Colombian Ambassador not to meet with the opposition, while President Nicolás Maduro disparaged Costa Rica’s former president. 

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María del Pilar Hurtado, former director of Colombia’s Administrative Department of Security (DAS) under the government of President Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010), could seek political asylum in Costa Rica after Panama revoked her refugee status. 

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