Spain has returned a veritable archeological “museum” of artifacts representing Colombian cultures from 1400 B.C.  

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Tourists from around theworldcameto Rio for the World Cup and98.8% termed it a positive experience. 

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The U.S. government “vigorously” condemned the arrest of approximately one hundred members of the Cuban dissident group Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White). 

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Proponents of Telecom Reform say it will yield results, including inspiration in the public interest, accountability, pursuit of truth, permanent justice, and human rights compliance; three new parties have made it into regional assemblies; and the PDR pointed to the growing reach of foreign companies over land use.  

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The president highlighted the work of the Cuban government during the first ordinary session of the year. 

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Travelers use their vacations to help local communities in Ecuador. 

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The hotels in Panama City, Panama are among the 10best places to visit in Central America in 2014, so said World Travel Trip Advisor. 

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Since his election in March 2013, Pope Francis has often attacked the global economic system for its insensitivity to the poor and its inability to share the wealth with those who need it most. 

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Continuing economic problems in Spain are causing some emigres to leave, including many Peruvians; at the same time, Peruvians are returning home from other countries, as well. 

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Russian President Vladimir Putintook advantage of his trip to the World Cup final in Rio de Janeiro to strengthen his country’s alliance with Latin American countries moving out of the traditional orbit of influence from Washington. 

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