“Argentina is intact, like a Ferrari parked at the back because the owner doesn’t know how to handle it,” says the writer and former ambassador Abel Posse. 

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After nine days of events, the 24th International Poetry Festival of Medellín came to a conclusion. 

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Ivica Simic, the Croatian actor, theater director, promoter and former general secretary of the International Association of Theater for Children and Youth (ASSITEJ) arrived in Cuba on Monday, August 4 for a brief visit. 

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Archaeologists in northern Peru found a temple that was used by fishermen who set out to sea to hunt sharks over 3,000 years ago, according to the daily El Comercio. 

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A long heat wave produced by El Niño has caused damage to crops and water rationing in Central America and northern South America.  The Honduran government is preparing to authorize massive grain imports, and water shortages have caused a crisis in many parts of Colombia.

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The new law on geothermal energy (LEG), adopted within the so-called “secondary legislation” on energy reforms contains provisions that promote the privatization of water.  They also could lead to pollution.  And they were certainly designed to benefit the business and economic elites of Mexico, especially regarding energy production, the PRD warned. 

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International experts examine the environmental, scientific, and legal implications of pollution in the Ecuadorian Amazon caused by the U.S. oil company Chevron. 

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Guatemalan municipalities with higher rates of poverty are most likely to have had lower rates of public investment over the past five years. Guatemala also ranks among the ten most vulnerable countries to climate change worldwide. 

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The trajectory of the Peruvian economy over the last decade has been impressive, based on imitating the Chilean experience.  And even though not all is well in the land of the Incas, it is still looking better than Chile. 

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Signs of self-sustaining recovery in some advanced economies are offset by slowing growth in emerging markets. 

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