This year marks sixteen years since Antonio Guerrero was arrested, accused of espionage in the United States for Cuba, and sentenced to 22 years in prison. 

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President Obama believes that “Hispanics represent a thriving part of our diverse nation.” 

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Behemoth Dreadnoughtus, discovered in Santa Cruz, may shed light on the biggest class of dinosaurs. 

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The International Music Festival of the Heights was organized to raise awareness for the respect and care for mountains, as a prelude to COP20, world summit climate change. 

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When the artist Fausto Pacheco was born in Heredia in 1899, Costa Rica was a very different place. San José was only the size of a large town, and the avenues were lined with streetcars. 

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Argentina continues its struggle against the “vulture funds,” with some encouragement from the G77 plus China; President CFK continues to repeat that the country wants to pay, and now congress has passed new legislation regarding Argentina’s creditors. 

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The scarcity of wood in Bolivia is driving furniture imports; September is the month of Tequila pilfering in Mexico; and cows that wander onto Latin American runways concern insurance companies.

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Venezuelan municipal governments have to be inventive in their efforts to provide services such as public security, trash collection, transportation, and infrastructure maintenance. 

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Economist Alejandro Fernández, economic adviser to the Dominican government, said the main challenge for Danilo Medina should be the creation of jobs for middle class.  Livestock producers in Nicaragua look to improve milk production and increase calf rearing.  

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Edwin Chota, an indigenous leader and outspoken Peruvian opponent of illegal logging, was brutally killed in a remote region of the Peruvian Amazon bordering Brazil, along with three other Asháninka community leaders he was traveling with on foot.  Chota had received frequent death threats from illegal loggers during years of struggle by his community to

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