In Cuenca and Quito visitors can combine fun with exploring the cities’ history. 

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The key to controlling invasive lionfish threatening artisanal fisheries in the Caribbean may be eating them. 

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The very painful disease, transmitted by mosquito, arrived less than a year ago in the Americas, where it has spread from the Caribbean to Central America and South America, infecting more than a million people.  The United States has already registered some cases.  

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The Amazon will soon welcome a 325 meter tall tower that will be a tool to monitor climate change in one of the largest rain forests in the world. 

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A newly protected marine area in Brazil will be roughly the size of Uruguay. 

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Five Panamanian representatives presented the country’s progress, allowing it to exit the “gray list” of Financial Action Task Force, or FATF, on which it was placed in last June. 

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El Salvador seeks to turn its Pacific Ocean coastline into a “development pole,” thanks to $277 million dollars donated by the United States. 

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After fourteen years as governor of Texas, Rick Perry wants to follow in George W. Bush’s footsteps toward the White house.  This ambition is the most important factor Mexicans should remember when trying to interpret the words and actions of the Texan leader. 

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Armando Arriazola Peto-Rueda, Mexico’s ambassador to Bolivia, insists that “Bolivia and Mexico are working to advance their bilateral relationship.” 

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Using the Startup Chile program, the Chilean government seeks to attract entrepreneurs and become a point of innovation like Silicon Valley, and young Nicaraguans want in on it. 

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