Retired Colonel Esteelmer Francisco Reyes Girón and military ex-commissioner Eriberto Valdez Asij will face trial for allegedly subjecting a group of indigenous women to labor and sexual slavery. 

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The Dirección de Lucha contra el Narcotráfico of Honduras, DLCN, will launch an investigation of “around 35 ‘narcoalcaldes’ ” and President Ollanta Humala of Peru asserted that criminal activity related to drugs is the main challenge in Peru and in the region.   

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Two proposals for the legalization of self-cultivated marijuana are currently being debated in the House of Representatives, but many officials only want to consider therapeutic uses; journalist Audeliza Solano says she has been getting death threats from the mayor of the municipality of Samaná, Nadín Miguel Bezi Nicasio. 

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Chile’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community lauded a proposal passed by the U.N.’s Human Rights Council striving to end the mistreatment of LGBTs worldwide. 

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In an interview Luis K. Zúñiga Valverde,  Deputy Minister of Agriculture, talked about cocoa and hard negotiations to close the multiparty trade agreement with the European Union.

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The United Nations adopted a resolution decreeing that the Venezuelan government should immediately release Leopoldo López, the opposition leader who has been imprisoned for almost nine months in connection to the violent protests in Caracas in February. 

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Observers call U.S. Federal Judge Thomas Griesa’s contempt of court ruling against Argentina “absurd,” while an Ecuadorian diplomat calls on Latin Americans to unite in resisting groups like the so-called “Vulture Funds.”

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Venezuela would request an urgent meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries amid a drop in global oil prices, Foreign Minister Rafael Ramírez said. 

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Costa Rica headed the ranking of infrastructure investment by using 5.4% of its GDP on infrastructure projects. 

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Small producers change their production decisions to minimize the costs generated by the armed conflict.  

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