The Cross-Border Trucking Pilot Program has not helped to facilitate commercial traffic between Mexico and the United States. 

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A new generation of “neohippies” has taken up the dream and wants to “change paradigms,” while the rules for everyday-life in the country were altered with changes to the Civil and Commercial Codes.   

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Latin American advances in universal access to health care face the challenge of meeting new demands arising from longer life expectancy, says a study. 

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In Paraguay formal employment increased to 47% of the market; advocates in the DR warn that it is impossible to reduce poverty if the country does not invest in sex education.

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Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has reported the arrest of four groups that were planning to attack and carry out violent acts in the capital and other cities.  Venezuela’s coalition of opposition political parties rejected a statement by President Maduro accusing them of responsibility in the murder of a ruling-party lawmaker.

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In the Municipal Elections of 2014, the fine for not voting could come to 76 soles. 

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Polls indicated that the Uruguayan presidential race will most likely be decided in a runoff in November. 

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In the weeks before Brazil’s first round of elections on October 5, the smart money seemed to be on a runoff between President Dilma Rousseff of the PT (the Workers Party) and Marina Silva of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), former members of the ruling coalition.  It didn’t work out that way.  Silva lost steam

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After the murders and disappearances of students in the town of Iguala, Guerrero, a series of clandestine graves were uncovered; so far none have been shown to hold the bodies of the disappeared students, but the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team that examined the scene is not ready to make a definite determination.  Calls continue to

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At least a million girls have been victimized in Colombia’s armed conflict; in Medellín a human rights leader barely survived an assassination attempt. 

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