With the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Convention on the Rights of Children, Christian Skoog, UNICEF Representative for Guatemala, took a look at the current situation of children to assess both the progress and challenges. He concluded that if it continues on the same track, the future is not pretty.  

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Cyber-Crime is reaching distressing levels in Colombia, police and internet experts say. 

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The outpouring of tears of blood on a statue of Christ in Cochabamba, Bolivia may be declared a miracle. A study has revealed that it is human blood and tissues.  In Ecuador the most important cultural and religious holidays of the Catholic calendar of Cuenca involve the “Child Traveler.” 

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Mother, grandmother, pediatrician, and president of Chile for the second time, Michelle Bachelet, who was also director for women at the United Nations, believes that “Inequality in Latin America has the face of women and children.”  

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The growth outlook for the Mexican economy in the short term remains subject to significant risks, said the International Monetary Fund.  The defeated PSDB presidential candidate in Brazil says he and his party got it right. 

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The administration in Argentina points to its efforts to strengthen “media pluralism”; a newly reopened market in Havana struggles to get up to speed; and household consumption in Brazil fell by 0.9% in November.

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Officials in both countries expect exports to generate U.S. $20 million in the border area. 

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The growth of the Colombian economy is limited by its poor transport network; Mexico unveiled a highway master plan; and new infrastructure projects in Rio go ahead.   

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Many observers think that Venezuela’s currency is about to crash due to hyperinflation, though others say the threat is a survivable one.  Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has ordered budget cuts in response to a sharp drop in oil prices, calling for salary reductions for himself and other senior government officials.  The opposition says Venezuela has

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With corn and bean fields ravaged by drought, Nicaraguan farmers are looking to a new crop: tarantulas.  

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