In the days before the start of the COP 20 meeting in Lima, the Jorge Chávez International Airport (JCIA) hosted a “cultural installation” created by the Libélula organization for tourists and foreign visitors arriving in Peru for the climate summit. 

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Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, made a tour of Latin America at a time when the region faces an economic slowdown after years of prosperity. 

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The DR’s top prosecutor, Francisco Domínguez, stressed to Polish authorities the importance for both countries in exacting a strong punishment on Catholic priest Wojciech Waldamar Gil (Padre Alberto). 

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Protests in Venezuela in early 2014 left more than 40 dead.  The Committee Against Torture states that only five cases of the 185 reported saw charges brought by prosecutors, and the U.N. asked the country to investigate allegations of torture during the demonstrations. 

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They show that it can be done in a rational manner. 

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The Honduran Foundation Olanchanos Unidos in the U.S. called on their compatriots and other Latinos to sign a petition advocating driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants in Florida. 

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To win over a disenchanted society, some Latin American analysts say, politicians in the United States are increasingly critical of Wall Street, banks and large corporations. 

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“El Codo del Diablo” (The Devil’s Elbow) reveals a troubling episode of Costa Rica’s post-civil war history by revisiting a crime that unfolded in Limón in 1948. 

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Turarte S.A. celebrated its 55th birthday with a renewed commitment to highlight the Cuban style in their musical and dance performances. 

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The Colombian government laments its inability to acquire Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez’s archives which include the papers and manuscripts of his life and work, including the manuscript for One Hundred Years of Solitude.

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