“Believing that Chilean society has turned to the Left can be a fatal error.” 

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Mexicans believe that their society has been “kidnapped by violence,” because of the horrific number of disappeared and murdered. 

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The president of the Argentine human rights organization CELS spoke at the Organization of American States on the compatibility of both finding the truth about past dirty wars and achieving justice.   

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President Juan Manuel Santos says that any peace process with the ELN guerrillas will be conditional on their ceasing the practice of kidnapping. 

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Despite celebrations of the peace accord between the Guatemalan government and the Izquierdista Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG), violence and impunity continue to plague the nation. 

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The U.S. passed legislation imposing sanctions on Venezuelan government officials it said violated protesters’ rights during demonstrations earlier this year.  In response the G77 and China condemned the sanctions and called for their repeal.  For his part, Venezuelan President Maduro said “Obama does not understand what is happening in our region and to our peoples.” 

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Mujica’s involvement as a mediator started over a year ago in Havana, moved on to Washington and became instrumental at the G77 Summit in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 

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In December 1989, the United States invaded Panama in an operation that left at least 500 dead. Panamanian military sources say the real reason behind the invasion was the refusal of General Manuel Noriega, a former CIA agent, to intervene against the Sandinista government of Daniel Ortega. 

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In a bold move that could dramatically alter the United States’ relationship with Latin America, on December 17, 2014 Presidents Barack Obama and Raúl Castro agreed to prisoner exchanges and a resumption of full diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba.  Cuba released American aid worker Alan Gross after five years in prison, as

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The case of one transgendered individual’s ordeal to gain the right to undergo the surgical procedures necessary to realize her identity has been influential in a recent court case.

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