Uruguayan president Jose Mujica defended Brazil’s leadership in Latin America, but still insisted that while Brazil seems large to its neighbors, the region is still small in global terms. 

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Six years in and what impact has CAFTA had on Costa Rica? 

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Dominican Republic’s Defense Ministry has “sealed” the border with Haiti, given its political instability, “with heightened patrols by highly trained troops, ready to act against any adversity.” 

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There is something fascinating about the popular will. Occasionally it wearies of its rulers, in which case the people can mobilize and change an undesirable and unsustainable state of affairs. 

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Since late last century, and especially since the beginning of this century, left-leaning governments have been installed in Latin America, themselves the products of the failure of neoliberalism. In the search for alternatives, there have been different approaches on the Latin American Left, some more successful than others. 

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The exercise of power through control of the media is a constant in history, and represents the “depraved tendency of political actors” who strive to manipulate the system, a dynamic that is clearly present in Guatemala. 

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Shortages and long lines have sparked violence and arrests in Venezuela.  Consumers now spend hours in lines for a chance to buy basic necessities, but there are no guarantees about what will be available.  The opposition continues to call for peaceful demonstrations and point to the failure of government policies, while international accrediting agencies warn

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Chivilcoy is the first place in the country to prohibit government agencies from sponsoring such events as well as to discourage potential private organizers. 

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Protests over the construction of Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal have expanded. 

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Indigenous organizations and international human rights activists say Peru has failed to protect the rights of indigenous people in its Amazon rainforest. 

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