Issue Oct 04-10 2023: As Chile commemorates the 50th anniversary of the coup d’état, a series of discussions titled “Music and Resistance” offer a unique opportunity to delve into and reflect on the role of music and the arts during the civil-military dictatorship.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Amidst escalating internal strife and division within Bolivia’s ruling party, the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS), critical national issues such as economic, political, and social crises, as well as water scarcity, are being overshadowed by power struggles.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Domestic tourism has surged in Colombia, especially during and following the COVID-19 pandemic, as people began exploring new travel methods and seeking tourist alternatives close to their residence.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: The Anuga fair, an international event for the food industry held in Cologne, Germany, has become a pivotal platform where Argentine beef is showcased and celebrated, especially amidst European influencers.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: With a long holiday weekend upcoming (October 13-16), many families will choose to take a short vacation.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Maripaz Jaramillo has been considered one of the main representatives of expressionist art in Colombia for decades.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: In recent weeks, photos and news have been published showing the dry lakes of an area in the Brazilian Amazon region.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Xiomara Castro, the president of Honduras, recently announced that the government has planned to form a commission to present an interoceanic train project to various nations and international businesses.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: The Regional Security offices play a key role in maintaining relationships between the United States and different governments.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: The United States recently announced that it would begin carrying out direct deportations to Venezuela.

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