Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Homicides, drug-related violence, and government controversies paint a vivid picture of the escalating criminal landscape.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: During 2023, differences within the Bolivian governing party have greatly escalated.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: In a significant development in Latin American migration trends, the year 2023 witnessed a substantial increase in Venezuelan emigration, with new patterns and destinations emerging.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Presidents Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico and Joe Biden of the United States held a high-level meeting, resulting in significant agreements.

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Issue Nov 15-30 2023: On November 19, 2023, Argentines voted in a run-off election for president between the Peronista Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, and the flamboyant Javier Milei, candidate of Libertad Avanza, a newly formed “Libertarian” party. The contest took place in an atmosphere of intense agitation over Argentina’s high rate of inflation. What

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Issue Nov 15-30 2023: As the parliamentary transition looms within a fortnight, uncertainties ripple through political structures, yet emerging figures offer clarity.

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Issue Nov 15-30 2023: Over the last year, the Dominican Republic has grappled with unprecedented heatwaves and destructive rainfall, unequivocally manifesting the reality of climate change.

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Issue Nov 15-30 2023: Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo, an expert in privatization, has been confirmed as the new Secretary of Energy for the incoming government of Javier Milei.

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Issue Nov 15-30 2023: The Housing First program, which provides unconditional housing to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, will be implemented in Brazil following the Second International Housing First Seminar in Brasília, with international experts providing assistance in the implementation of the project.

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Issue Nov 15-30 2023: In a survey published on November 28th, Colombian entrepreneurs indicated specific circumstances that would cause them to take their business out of the country.

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