Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has consistently aimed to eliminate autonomous agencies throughout his six-year term, citing cost concerns.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: In Colombia, preserving ecological connectivity between forests has been a critical priority.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: On December 28, 2023, the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) warned the public of the growing influence of authoritarianism and the advancement of organized crime across Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The results of the PISA 2022 test in Peru show that the academic performance of Peruvian students is deeply influenced by socioeconomic inequalities.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: On December 14, the Constitutional Court (CC) of Guatemala ruled in favor of the alternation of power and preservation of the democratic order, ordering that the winning party of the presidential elections, Movimiento Semilla, take office immediately.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: After the second failed attempt in December 2023 to write a new constitution in Chile, it may be time for a true political settlement.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Traveling barefoot throughout the country carrying a colorful backpack filled with hand carved flutes, Crescencio Salcedo, one of Colombia’s most emblematic musicians, never took credit nor royalties for his songs.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: A rare species of Brazilian bat has been rediscovered in the Atlantic Forest after more than a century of obscurity.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Defying the histrionic doomsaying of Bolsonarists who would rather see Brazil fail than Lula succeed, the current administration has presided over a year of progress reflected in positive social and economic indicators.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Colombia’s government, led by President Gustavo Petro, has unveiled a reindustrialization policy after extensive deliberation, aiming to reshape the nation’s economic landscape.

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