Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Venezuelans living in the United States who are covered by Temporary Protection Status (TPS) since its 2021 designation will have to re-register in order to continue residing and working in the U.S. for another 18 months without being at risk of deportation.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Colombia will continue to collaborate with Ecuadorian authorities following the state of emergency declared in the neighboring country.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Venezuelan migrants currently constitute a group estimated to be some 7.7 million strong, with the actual number perhaps being even higher – and certain to increase – given that the fundamental reasons for the exodus remain extant.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: The Red Mexicana de Afectados por la Minería (Mexican Network of People Affected by Mining, or REMA) has accused the MORENA government of Salomón Jara Cruz, the Registro Agrario Nacional (RAN), and the Procuraduría Agraria (PA) of creating favorable conditions for the privatization of Indigenous lands by foreign, national, and public

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: In Peru, while new subnational government administrations are usually associated with a drop in public investment, this trend was bucked in 2023, which saw growth in this sector.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Post-pandemic Latin American governments have tended to be marked by their ambition, with Gustavo Petro’s Colombia being no exception.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Javier Milei’s proposed ‘Omnibus Bill’ is seeing fierce debate in the Argentinian Congress, despite the president’s insistence that “we won’t negotiate anything; we’re only accepting suggestions to make it better.”

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Whereas three decades ago critical political decisions were made in Brazil by military generals prodding their swords into the backs of politicians, these days such decisions tend to fall to judges on the Supreme Federal Court (STF).

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Costa Rica is aiming to improve technological advances and digital skills development throughout the country.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: As cases of nepotism in congressional families of Paraguay come to light, citizens’ resentment grows while those in office deny the issue of the “nepobabies,” children of high-profile individuals who benefit personally and professionally from their parents’ position.

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