Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Since the beginning of 2024, taxi drivers and their passengers in Acapulco, Taxco, Chilpancingo, and Tixtla have been targeted by violent organized crime.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Mexico suspended the importation of shrimp from Central America due to accusation from aquaculturists in Sinaloa that various countries are triangulating the shrimp from Ecuador.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: The Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM) won 121 out of a total 158 municipal elections on February 18th in the Dominican Republic.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: As Argentina’s economic outlook dims, marked by rising inflation and falling annual projections, the question looms: Can President Javier Milei lead his country out of economic crisis?

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: A great novel is coming to the Uruguayan theater with its story full of magic, tenderness, humor, and rebellion.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: After many days of mystery, President Gustavo Petro confirmed that Cali will be the headquarters for the United Nations Conference on Biological Diversity, COP16, the most important biodiversity event in the world.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Recently, the new school year began late as usual, and the new authorities highlighted that more than half of the educational facilities are in terrible condition due to their abandonment.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Farmers affiliated with the Federación Nacional Campesina in Paraguay are organizing protests to address the government’s abandonment of small-scale agricultural producers amid challenges caused by climate change.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: The recent focus of protests in Colombia has been on the alleged attempted coup d’état that President Petro spoke of, citing a “breakdown of institutions” due to the Supreme Court’s failure to elect a new prosecutor.

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Argentine President Javier Milei’s La Libertad Avanza party (LLA) experienced a painful smackdown in Congress with the collapse of its ambitious “Omnibus Law.” As it faced certain turbulence and casualties in item-by-item voting, LLA congressional leader Óscar Zago sent it back for further negotiation in the various committees of the Cámara de Diputados, resetting the

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