Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Since 2018, Latin American and Caribbean migration northward to the United States has increased at a predictable rate.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: In 2023, criminal organizations earned 820 million dollars transporting migrants through the Darien jungle, according to Panamanian authorities.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: The samba school Unidos da Viradouro won first place for the third time at Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro 2024, a year which marks the Marquês de Sapucaí Sambadrome’s 40th anniversary.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: The increase of trade winds and decreasing cloud cover during the summer augment the production of wind and solar energy in parts of Costa Rica, such as Los Santos, San Carlos, and Guanacaste.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Brazilian councilwoman and activist Marielle Franco became an international symbol after her assassination in Rio de Janeiro in 2018.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Richard Salazar, the executive director of the Banana Marketing and Export Association of Ecuador, promised that no fruit or financial losses were reported during the 15-day-long sanction of five banana companies that export to the Russian market.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Environmental deterioration, economic inequality, and a growing sense of distrust in democratic institutions is proof, to some, that civilization is in a crisis.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Claudia Barcia, who has been serving as a Buenos Aires district attorney specializing in gender violence, has just been named as the new Under Secretary of Protection Against Gender Violence.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz has registered with the National Electoral Institute (INE) as the presidential candidate for the PAN-PRI-PRD coalition Fuerza y Corazón por México.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Corazón iluminado, created by Alejandro Marmo, is the newest art installation in Argentina’s Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK).

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