Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Luis Fernando Romero Torrejón, expert in economics and president of the Departmental School of Economists of Tarija, Bolivia, pointed out that “we are steps away from a macroeconomic crisis, it’s crucial to take action immediately.”

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Pozuzo is on track to become Peru’s premier biodistrict, in a project led by various stakeholders in its productive chain.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: The European Union (EU) has decided to maintain Panama on its list of tax havens while removing Bahamas, Belize, the Seychelles, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Teotihuacán Ancestral Center, just one hour away from Mexico City, turned into a romantic camping cinema for Valentine’s Day.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Isabel Allende’s newest novel, “El viento conoce mi nombre,” has been making news lately, specifically regarding her view on the Trump administration’s immigrant policies.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Former president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH), faces drug trafficking charges in New York after being accused of participating in and protecting a network that sent more than 500 tons of cocaine to the United States between 2004 and 2022.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Last February 5, noted spokesperson for the neoliberal regime Jesús Silva Herzog Márquez (JSHM) wrote an article, “Desmantelamiento constitucional,” in which he asserted that Mexico’s president “wants to rip from the Constitution everything that makes it an imperative norm and leave it as an inert text…there is no precedent in Mexican

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: Las Antillas (“The Antilles”) are a series of islands with high levels of biological diversity, particularly in terms of fauna, with the Dominican Republic boasting one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the Caribbean.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: The remake of the TV Globo program Renascer will feature the character José Inocêncio, played by Marcos Palmeira and inspired by the Swiss agriculturist Ernst Götsch.

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Issue Feb 14-20 2024: The comparison made by Brazilian President Lula da Silva between Israel’s massacre of Palestinian civilians to the massacre of Jews during the Holocaust should be analyzed on two fronts: whether it is historically appropriate, and what its political implications are, both internal and external.

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