“Margarita” Author Dies at Age 93


Issue May 29-Jun 04 2024: Gustavo Donoso, the poet and cartoonist of “Margarita,” will be deeply missed by the Chilean community. El Mostrador of Santiago reported that the Society of Chilean Writers (SECH) in particular expressed their regret at his departure, lamenting the loss of what they called a “creative hero.”

Donoso’s comic, “Margarita,” was often featured on the cover of the newspaper Fortín Mapocho in the 80s and 90s and was an emblematic figure during Chile’s dictatorship. Donoso also gained fame for his collections of poems, such as “Poemas de tierra y cielo” and “Palabra Empeñada.”

In both his poems and comics, Donoso enforced the need for action in order to maintain democracy. He often pushed for a greater social consciousness, calling for the people to come together in order to “make democracy.”