Historic Rapprochement between the United States and Cuba Is Very Big News In Latin America


In a bold move that could dramatically alter the United States’ relationship with Latin America, on December 17, 2014 Presidents Barack Obama and Raúl Castro agreed to prisoner exchanges and a resumption of full diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba.  Cuba released American aid worker Alan Gross after five years in prison, as well as another “intelligence asset.”  For its part the United States agreed to the release of three remaining Cuban intelligence agents (known as the Cuban Five).  President Obama announced a new era in the relations between Washington and Havana and stated his intentions to restore full diplomatic ties after more than five decades, and begin the move to relax economic sanctions imposed long ago in a futile effort to drive the Cuban Communists from power.  Across the region Latin Americans reacted with joy and relief at the passing of the last vestige of the Cold War in the hemisphere, as well as with a new sense of hope. 

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