On November 14, 2018, a squad of carabineros, Chile’s national police force, entered the Mapuche community of Temucuicui and “killed the young Camilo Catrilanca.”
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On November 26, 2018, Uruguayan president Tabaré Vázquez was asked by the press about what his administration was doing to discover what happened to the people who disappeared under the last dictatorship.
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Journalists and their sources around the world are often persecuted for the information they report on sensitive topics.
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Former Chilean Army Commander-in-Chief Juan Emilio Cheyre has been sentenced to three years and one day of probation for covering up crimes related to the Caravana de la Muerte in 1973.
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A new social movement has been forming in Colombia in the midst of the war between the ELN and the EPL in Catatumbo.
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“Two of Colombia’s worst criminals” are close to recovering their freedom.
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According to a UNESCO world report published by the International Program for the Development of Communication, Mexico has registered the most journalist assassinations in the last two years.
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The new governor-elect of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel, wants to bring snipers to the conflict zones of the city and state.
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After six months of involvement and constant allegations regarding the mistreatment of prisoners, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (ICHR) is still unable to “corroborate the state of physical and psychological health of those deprived of liberty, who are accused of the alleged crimes of ‘coups and terrorism’ for participating in civic protest and demanding
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Police in Buenos Aires detained four foreign nationals as part of a repressive campaign against public demonstrations regarding the 2019 budget.
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