It appears that violence in Mexico is growing as more than eighty murders were reported in just one weekend.
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After peace talks between the FARC rebels and the Colombian government ended with the Havana agreement in 2012, it seemed as though peace would put an end to conflict in Colombia.
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Corruption and drug trafficking within the Bolivian Police force have led President Evo Morales to consider requiring members to make their bank records public, a mandate which could be backdated to the start of their careers.
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Colombia is under the spotlight once again as it faces an ongoing series of violence that has yet to end.
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For several months Catatumbo has been in a social crisis—plagued by massacres, mass displacements, and confinements—due to the war between the National Liberation Army (ELN) and Popular Liberation Army (EPL).
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While soccer games are a famous and favorite pastime in Latin America, in Honduras they double as the setting of constant and recurring violence.
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The nine soldiers were accused of manslaughter and of failing to provide assistance to victims, but were released.
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Twenty-seven years after a historic negotiation between the leftist FMLN and the right-wing Arena party which ended El Salvador’s civil war, the two parties have joined together to promote a new amnesty law.
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Under current president Iván Duque Márquez, Colombia is at risk of slipping back into its violent past if it cannot change how it relates to the terms and spirit of the 2016 peace agreement.
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Recent legislative actions by the president of Brazil have opened gun-carrying laws and aim to legalize murder under certain circumstances.
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