–Written by Noelia Veras— The former President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, recently threatened to organize armed militias like the ones in Venezuela.
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The FARC faces challenges as the organization tries to integrate into a democratic system.
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Among the nine political parties running for a seat in Congress in 2020, there are few human rights issues addressed in their agendas and proposals.
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Protests have been taking place in the streets of Cuernavaca, Morelos, due to high levels of insecurity and violence that are perpetuated by the actions of Governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo.
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According to the Corruption Perception Index of 2018, Colombia is 99th of 180 countries with 36 points of 100 in transparency.
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On July 17, 1980, Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz was assassinated. Quiroga Santa Cruz had been a vocal political leader of the Bolivian socialist party.
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The Lempa River, one of the largest rivers in El Salvador, became the last place that many ran to die while trying to escape the military during the civil war.
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Going into a new decade, Mexican news media’s role in the problematics surrounding the mystification of Mexico’s growing homicide rate is examined.
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In the territories of influence in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, there is a never ending war.
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It has been two years since the murder of Rafael Nahuel, and justice has not been served for the Mapuche Indigenous leader.
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