The implemented changes fully or partially comply with the project sponsored by Congress’s Bullet’s Backbench, which means a de facto repeal of the Disarmament Statute.
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Half a year has passed since the Colombian government signed a peace accord with the FARC guerrilla group, but poverty, drugs, and violence continue to cripple the coastal city of Tumaco.
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In Mexico City and other cities around the country, protesters gathered to celebrate International Marijuana Day and to show their support for the drug’s legalization.
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Mexico made progress toward seeking justice for victims of torture by passing the General Law to Prevent, Investigate and Punish Torture and Other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment of Punishment in April.
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The Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 2016, published in March 2017, mentions that “Nicaragua has set up a system of media with high levels of concentration and lack of pluralism.
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A presidential decree confirmed that the Colombian armed forces will play a direct role in writing the official historical memory of the country’s armed conflict.
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Luis Alberto Ortíz Cabezas, a young guerilla member of the FARC organization, was killed in a rural region of Colombia.
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On Easter day, Argentines still hear “echoes of an infamous Easter,” when Argentina weathered its first serious post-“Dirty War” threat, thirty years ago.
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Amid growing opposition and protests against his rule, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that he would move to expand the country’s National Militia.
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In an interview with an Italian newspaper, Pope Francis reiterated his call for peace around the world, emphasizing that “violence is not the cure for our broken world.”
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