After a bizarre turn of events at a police facility, a breaking story became a life-and-death situation for several reporters who were just trying to do their job.
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In addition to fighting to legally obtain cannabidiol (CBD), parents drop everything to pay for treatments and doctor appointments. And it’s truly everything: vacations, clothes shopping, eating out, and even just going to the movies are pleasures that the family of Francisco Peña Herrera and Lisbeth Pech Estrella cannot enjoy.
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The neighborhood of Palermo is one of the most exclusive and traditional sectors of Manizales, Colombia. But the parishioners are in a commotion over a recent judicial decision: the priests of a Catholic church have been ordered to suspend the ringing of the temple bells, including the invitation to mass and to other religious ceremonies.
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After 26 years of democracy and 14 long months of intense debate with ideological overtones, the Chilean parliament approved the bill decriminalizing abortion on these three grounds: risk to life of the mother, a non-viable fetus, and cases of rape. Despite this recent progress, threats to the project remain.
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The Interior Ministry and the Taxi Union agreed to implement a panic button in taxis, but the Automobile Union with Taximeters and Operators (Suatt) opposes the agreement. They claim that the button won’t help many drivers, since taxi demand is not as high after 11:00 pm, when the button would be needed.
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Although there is a new state training program in Chile, the much-needed, but thousands of vacant medical positions will not be filled until 2018. Experts allude to structural flaws and absence of long-term public policies as the culprit for the lack of specialists, so the government is working on a “radical change” in its involvement
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The business pyramid continues to reflect the inequality gaps. In El Salvador specifically, at the base of the structure 64% of micro and small companies are led by women, 28% lead medium-sized businesses, and only 8% of the large companies are headed by women. While these entrepreneurs face inequality gaps in the business world, they are
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With a campaign of opening up greater opportunities for members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Transsexual community (LGBTT), José Luis Sánchez Araujo, better known as “Ruby,” was recently sworn in as councilor of the city of Guanajuato.
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Street vendors exist in almost all the cities of Colombia and of the world, but make their money in a space that should belong to everyone. Has this become a legal, ethical and economic dilemma of big cities? The Enrique Peñalosa administration of Colombia has proposed taking back the public space in Bogotá and for
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At the end of a road lined with trash fires and informal housing where sewage runs between shacks is “a startling destination: a gleaming, self-contained community about as clean and orderly as a US suburb, a utopian community of 15,000 in the middle of one of the world’s most economically ravaged countries.”
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