As most of us know, potholes are not only a pain in the you-know-what, but can be extremely dangerous when left to grow. A group of young people in San Lorenzo decided they had had enough and carried out a peaceful protest.
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Many members of Mexico’s salient political parties seem to be in agreement in regards to this proposed legislation that goes completely against the reform allowing gay marriages.
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In Mexico protests continue regarding education reform as well as other legislation. Mexico has long had issues with educating its poor, especially the indigenous populations. The conflict has now boiled over. Here are different takes on the situation, aggregated by Shauna Gaines and Colin Rugg.
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–Researched and written by Maria Smith Historically, in Latin America the Catholic church has been considered to be a very conservative religion with its leaders strictly upholding the values that they teach. Despite the common conception that leaders of the religion are unyielding traditionalists who do not abide in the ways of modern culture, many
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–Researched and written by Alessandro Balbo Teen pregnancy is an overlapping problem for every Latin American country. Each country battles against it but many have found it impossible to prevent. The numbers speak for themselves in many cases, for example in Venezuela, every hour a girl between the ages of 10 and 14 becomes pregnant.
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–Researched and written by Anna Calderón After two sexual aggressors were released from jail, in spite of the magnitude of their actions, women in Peru have decided to take a stand against these resolutions. Many females experience different kinds of abuse from males and are either scared of speaking up or, when they do, the
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Hundreds of members of Mexico’s LGBT community marched in the León, Guanajuato district of Mexico seeking equal rights. The group mobilized in the city center for the gay pride parade demanding specifically, the right for same-sex couples to marry and the right for these couples to adopt children.
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During January 2016, the government of Buenos Aires announced its long held plans to close down the Jardín Zoólogico de Buenos Aires S.A. in order to give life to a new Eco Park.
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After the recent conflict between police and teachers protesting the latest Mexican educational reforms in Oaxaca, Sandra Russo writes in solidarity with the protesters and explains similarities between what is currently happening in Oaxaca and various other examples of the state exerting control over its citizens.
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