Political operatives agree that if the Mexican left is divided in 2015, its opposition will be weak.  Meanwhile, Subcomandante Marcos of the EZLN can still grab headlines. 

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Presidential politics and fútbol have become fused in Brazil. 

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Incumbent vice president turned opposition candidate, Juan Carlos Varela, won Panama’s presidential election. 

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The competition is beginning to heat up as Peronista políticos jockey for position in a crowded field of would-be successors to the Kirchner dynasty, while the opposition hopes to fish in the troubled waters. 

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It’s finally official: Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff will be the presidential candidate for the Workers’ Party (PT) in the October elections; she has also received the support of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. 

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Costa Rica’s new President Luis Guillermo Solis pledged to run his administration as a “glass house” and tackle the corruption “eating away” at the country and the economy. 

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With just weeks to go before Colombia’s presidential elections, polls show President Juan Manuel Santos maintains a comfortable lead, but a second round is almost certain.  Meanwhile the continuing episode of ousted Mayor Gustavo Petro hangs over the political scene. 

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The governor of Miranda state, Henrique Capriles, addressed the opposition’s view of the effectiveness of talks with the embattled government of Nicolás Maduro. 

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The Ashaninka indigenous leader Ruth Buendía received the Goldman Prize and Lima’s Mayor Susana Villarán launched her re-election campaign. 

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The new, leftist president of El Salvador looks to bring former dissidents in from the cold. 

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