The tranquility in Trojes, a Honduran town of about 60,000 inhabitants lost among the mountains near the border, has been altered by the 400 migrants who appear on average every day.
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In Chile, irregular migrants have 180 days to leave before they are deported. Authorities in Chile disclosed that those who entered Chile until mid-March of 2020 will have a period of time to regularize.
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Amidst a global pandemic, the Peruvian grape industry is thriving and reached over US $1billion in 2020.
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Bolsonaro’s anti-environmentalist actions are seen as a barrier to a possible economic and political partnership between the two blocs.
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A total of 22 canine trainers and handlers from across Latin America graduated from the first International Tactical Diploma K-9 Multipurpose Dogs.
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Arturo Cruz, an aspiring presidential candidate in Nicaragua is facing harassment by the police following his return from a political tour in the north of the country.
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Latin America’s fragmentation has led to a crisis of international affairs that must be solved through regional cooperation and development.
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A dispute over control of drug trafficking between the Venezuelan military and illegal armed groups is behind the violence causing thousands of people to flee to Colombia.
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An Ecuadorian consortium, Corporación Favorita, plans to invest about $200 million in Panama over the next five years.
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Several analysts believe that the Northern Triangle countries of Central America can never be seen as separate, considering they face similar socio-political challenges.
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