The Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) recently approved, in Havana, a declaration of support for Venezuela.
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Chile and Bolivia are currently working with the International Court of Justice to resolve a longstanding border conflict over the jurisdiction of the Calama Region between the two countries.
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Twenty-two Paraguayan doctors, who graduated in Venezuela, were repatriated by the national government through the Secretaria de Repatriados de la Presidencia de la República (SEDERREC).
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Given the recent controversy surrounding the state of Venezuela’s democracy, some speculate that the country is experiencing a democratic recession—and if not yet, it may be leaning toward one.
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The Inter-American Democratic Charter was adopted in 2001, in response to the collapse of the Fujimori regime and emerging forms of authoritarianism.
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With the recent apprehension of nine Bolivians, among them seven employees of the customs office and two soldiers, while carrying out an anti-smuggling operation at the border, one must take into account the historical context and precedent that lends itself to these types of geopolitical spats between the two neighboring countries.
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Reimy Ferreira, the Bolivian Minister of Defense, planned to visit two Bolivian soldiers and seven customs officials arrested under charges of robbery in Chilean territory.
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The President of the Organization of American States questions Argentina’s commitment to human rights after the arrest of opposition leader Milagro Sala.
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The porous Venezuela/Colombia border, the Arauca River, has long been a cause of tension between the two countries, and has repeatedly been closed since 2015.
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The arrest of nine Bolivians at the border, by Chilean police officers, has raised tensions between both nations.
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