Issue Aug 21-27 2024: São Martinho SA and Raízen SA, two of the largest companies in the Brazilian sugarcane sector, reported large losses due to the damage caused by fires that have hit several regions of the country.

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Issue Aug 21-27 2024: Mexico’s pervasive extortion problem significantly pressures traders, manufacturers, and agricultural producers, increasing prices and challenging the Bank of Mexico’s (Banxico) efforts to contain inflation.

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Issue Aug 21-27 2024: The Colombian Center for Economic and Social Research, Fedesarrollo, presented the results of its Business Opinion Survey for July 2024, revealing that the Consumer Confidence Index (ICCO) had increased to 17.0%, an 8.4% increase compared to the previous month.

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Issue Aug 21-27 2024: The National Survey of Living Conditions (ENCOVI) for 2023 reveals that the working-age population (PET), i.e., those aged 15 years and older, reached 11.4 million in 2023.

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