“Fighters for Dreams,” is a traveling theater organized by Panambi to draw attention to violations of the human rights of transgender people.
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Across the globe, laws exist that are known as “legal discrimination.” These regulations prevent women from achieving equal economic prosperity with their male counterparts. The World Bank (WB) published a report called Women, Business and the Law 2016 that collected and analyzed data from the Latin American region regarding these issues.
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Seven bright Chilean minds were asked if it was possible to embody chilenidad (what it means to be Chilean) in a historical figure. Each came up with examples from all walks of life, demonstrating the fullness and variety found among Chileans.
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President Danilo Medina of the Dominican Republic formed the Interagency Technical Committee for Poverty Measurement (CTP), which would be responsible for the evaluation, validation and monitoring of poverty statistics in the country.
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In Mexico, violence has allowed critical voices to give in to fear. The authorities use violence to silence those who denounce the state and there is no guarantee of human rights. Veracruz seems to be the most dangerous area, while refugees are being sent to Mexico City.
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María Ampudia González spoke on human trafficking during the Manuel Rodríguez Lapuente conference, organized by the Union of Academic Workers of the University of Guadalajara (STAUdeG). She revealed some astonishing statistics and made some bold statements about Mexico and the future.
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Once a year, the Mexican embassy organizes a Sixth Grade Best Achievement Contest through its Schools of Mexico Program. The contest showcases the region’s most brilliant students, reflecting both the ambition of the children and the good work of their teachers.
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The First National Youth Survey (NYS), arranged by the Indec (National Census and Statistical Institute), details the patterns of transitions between the stages of life in Argentina, including working, studying, becoming independent, beginning parenthood, violent situations, and social commitments.
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Mira, short for “miracle,” is the fifth fastest supercomputer in the world. A $200 million machine, it requires more than 200 cabinets of hardware and wiring to function. The massive device has 400 square meters (about 4300 square feet) of surface area and allows humans to investigate issues of the world that would normally be
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Sociologist Alicia Gutierrez pointed out that, “[poor] is a descriptive category rather than explanatory,” making the term quite controversial. The concept should also be considered in geological and historical context. When discussing the issue of poverty, we must always be aware of how we are defining it.
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