Amnesty International recently presented a report which analyzed women’s access to health services and their reproductive rights in eight countries.
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Foreign Ministers from each country met to discuss which country should claim ownership to the treasure.
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The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recently asked the governments of Central America and Mexico to enforce stronger social protection for female fieldworkers to lessen poverty and inequality.
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The conflict in Syria has its citizens fleeing as refugees to safe havens all over the world, including Latin America, where several large Syrian communities had previously been established.
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With previously proposed pillars of progress never coming to fruition in the North American country, one wonders: How does Mexico take the next step towards the future it had once envisioned for itself?
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A new business deal was struck in the Middle East in a recent conference on the trade of food that gives companies and governments all over the world the opportunity to procure profits and nourishment for their shareholders and constituents, respectively.
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One country in Mercosur’s membership looks to take the lead in this new business venture, as Argentina pledges to agree to move forward with international trade, despite earlier promises that it would not.
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Opacity and self-promotion mark the visit of Pope Francis to Mexico. In accordance with the Conferencia del Episcopado de Mexico (CEM), Pope Francis’ visit cost Mexican authorities a total of 160 to 200 million pesos. This amount represents an increase of 43.6 million to the last Papal visit, when in 2012 the Mexican government spent
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The international community perceives Mauricio Macri as a more pragmatic and reachable leader than his predecessor Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
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Enrique Palmeyro, Pope Francis’ envoy to Argentina, delivered a blessed rosary sent by the Pope himself to Milagros Sala, indigenous leader of the Tupac Amaru neighborhood association, who up to this date remains imprisoned with the charges of inciting violence.
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