Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Argentine President Mauricio Macri recently met to discuss climate change, economic relationships, and political cooperation in the wake of the recent elections.
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In a lavish offering of support, Russia is developing plans for political and economic assistance to Danilo Medina, President of the Dominican Republic, in exchange for immediate searches for oil on the island. This support is part of a Russian initiative in Caribbean and Central American nations, wooing Presidents and ambassadors to extend influence and
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Representatives from the Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) and Russia met in Sochi to negotiate what is being called “multilateral fortification.”
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“Untapped market” is an enticing phrase. The notion of legions of eager buyers waiting to hand over their money keeps market analysts and lawmakers scheming to cut the best deals for their homelands. The most recent free trade deal between South Korea and Costa Rica, the “Tratado de Libre Comercio” (lit. “Free Commerce Treaty”) is
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A number of Spanish museums are collaborating to create an exhibition honoring Pedro Franco Dávila.
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“Panama does not comply satisfactorily on fiscal transparency,” the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) decided on November 4th.
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As the social and political culture in Cuba develops, the island has become increasingly open to foreign investment.
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Employment of Latin American residents in Spain grew 6.5% since the last trimester of last year. El Universo of Guayaquil reported that according to data from the Survey of the Active Population, of the National Institute of Statistics, the employment situation of Latin American immigrants has improved. Ecuadorians compose the largest group, followed by Colombians
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Paraguayans living in Spain have made great strides to become independent entrepreneurs.
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Costa Rica has joined the select group of countries that make up the Parties to the Framework Convention of the United Nations on Climate Change (CMNUCC), which has ratified the Paris Agreement.
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