Linguistic Racism in Lima


Issue Jan 24-30 2024: Linguistic racism has become a normalized issue in Lima, despite the city’s status as a modern metropolitan area with ample opportunities. According to Martin Quintana’s piece in El Comercio of Lima, many individuals migrating from rural areas encounter linguistic prejudice.

This discrimination doesn’t stem from a language barrier but rather from differences in accents or dialects. Such biases have detrimental effects on individuals’ psychology and hinder opportunities for already marginalized groups. Furthermore, they undermine societal cohesion by eroding cultural diversity and diminishing personal cultural identity.

“Instead of ridiculing differences, we should celebrate the linguistic diversity that our country preserves. After all, every accent, every dialect, has its own history and beauty. Every person, no matter where they come from or how they speak, has something valuable to contribute to our country,” Quintana wrote.