The Percentage of Latin Americans Working in Spain Rises


Employment of Latin American residents in Spain grew 6.5% since the last trimester of last year. El Universo of Guayaquil reported that according to data from the Survey of the Active Population, of the National Institute of Statistics, the employment situation of Latin American immigrants has improved. Ecuadorians compose the largest group, followed by Colombians and Bolivians. The largest sector of work for Latin American immigrants is the service industry, which employs almost two times as many women as men. The construction industry shows signs of improvement as well, with 9,500 more employees now than this time last year.

The survey considers employed those who are 16 or older and who worked at least one hour in the past week for some kind of retribution (salary, daily wage, etc.), as well as those who have jobs, but haven’t worked because of illness or vacation. In total, 2% more Latin Americans are employed this year than last, and the number of unemployed decreased from 79,100 to 73,100.