The director of the National Human Rights Institute (NHRI), Lorena Fries, presented the 2013 Annual Report on Human Rights detailing the progress and shortcomings in the use of force against the public and pointed to the main inadequacies of police in Chile. 

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Almost 30 years ago, national attention was focused as nine heads of the last military dictatorship were put on the stand and judged for aberrant crimes.  Supreme Court Justice Ricardo Lorenzetti affirmed that the trials against the criminals of the dictatorship were not going to end when President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner steps down in

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The Colombian government and the ELN guerrilla group announced the beginning of formal peace talks, while Colombia’s ombudsman praised the FARC’s acknowledgment of victims in peace talks. 

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According to Salvadoran Attorney General Luis Martínez, prosecutors are investigating the Minister of National Defense, David Munguia Payes and other senior officials of the army for the smuggling of weapons and other arbitrary acts.  

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Venezuelans are using tear gas canisters fired by the thousands on the streets of Caracas to create sculptures in a competition seeking an artistic outlet in this year’s anti-government unrest in Venezuela. 

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A political consensus against trade with communist Cuba that has prevailed in Washington for half a century is showing signs of cracking. 

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The U.S. government denied again that it has had anything to do with alleged plots reported by Venezuela. 

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The United States criticized Cuban censorship after Cubans were blocked from an independent website that is challenging the state monopoly on news on the island. 

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The Michelin guide will have its first Latin American edition in 2015. 

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Morales says it’s important to strive for integration between South America and Africa. 

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