The first national survey on environmental issues in Argentina showed that most Argentines believe that the country’s environmental situation has worsened in the last five years. 

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A report by the Real Instituto Elcano stated that in 2008 Latin America had become part of the “soft power” empire of Spain, while an economic report in 2011 predicted that Latin America could become the salvation of Spanish companies. 

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More than 100 British Members of Parliament signed a resolution of support for Argentina in the fight against the “Vulture Fund” holdout investors, and warned that if the United States Justice System ruled against the nation it could fall into default.  

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Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner had strong words for the UK government as she headed to the inauguration of the Malvinas Museum at the ex-ESMA detention centre, where thousands were illegally held prisoners and tortured during Argentina’s 1976-1983 military dictatorship. 

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Hundreds of unaccompanied children from Central America have entered the U.S. illegally and are “overwhelming American border authorities.” 

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged President Barack Obama to ease the U.S. economic embargo against Cuba, according to excerpts from her memoir. 

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The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza praised the deal Uruguay made to welcome six inmates of Guantanamo Bay, and said the rest of Latin America can also help to resolve the future of those individuals detained there. 

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In late May the Colombian Embassy and Consulate General in Buenos Aires hosted a cultural event called “Colombia Will Seduce You” that over four days presented dance, music, circus acts, and film “to show the Argentine people the best of Colombian culture.” 

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After the heavy loss of production and the decline in exports during the first quarter, Argentina’s Minister of Industry reopened negotiations with Brazil to reach a new agreement.  

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Bachelet traveled to Brazil to sign an agreement to facilitate information exchange on the human rights violations, but her government still has not indicated how it will deal with Bolivia’s demand for access to the Pacific. 

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