July 3rd, 2014 Juan Carlos Varela took office on July 1 as Panama’s president, pledging to finish a troublesome canal expansion, stamp out corruption and get more people out of poverty. 

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Chile upheld the convictions of former agents who disappeared two youths who belonged to the Communist Party, while witnesses in Guatemala told of how their family members disappeared. 

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The Colombian government and FARC guerrilla have started a new round of talks focusing on the victims, though President Santos wants the military to keep up the pressure. 

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The Dutch peace organization PAX must answer for “defamation, slander, and possibly criminal acts” said the American coal company Drummond, denying that it financed paramilitary groups in the northern department of César.  The Dutch remain unmoved. 

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An autodefensa leader is arrested, a “spiraling violence” of shootings and kidnappings continues inVeracruz, and in the heart of the “Golden Triangle” a jailed narco still rules. 

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The U.S. Department of Justice is gathering information to request the extradition of criminal chieftains. 

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U.S. Senator Marco Rubio called on President Obama to take immediate action to impose visa bans and asset freezes on Venezuelan officials and their families involved in the brutal crackdown of peaceful protestors by the Maduro administration. 

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A majority of the Uruguayan population does not approve receiving prisoners from the U.S. Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a decision made by the government of President José Mujica to help the US government in closing the prison there. 

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The question is: how to improve mobility and better organize a city with a growing population? 

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The two countries look to strengthen articulation between their preparation systems, heighten mutual assistance, and strengthen response mechanisms to adverse natural events. 

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