One of the richest men in the world proposes a way to reduce the workday. 

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Economic policy should aim to better organize economic activity, increase production, improve productivity (producing more and better existing financial resources), and improve living conditions and social progress.  But this must involve redistribution of income and wealth.  

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Do not be fooled by the merchants of poverty. 

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After the intensity of the World Cup, Brazil turns back to real life. And real life is showing itself to be somewhat complicated, especially for President Dilma Rousseff. 

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Pope Francis called for more respect for nature today, branding the destruction of South America’s rain forests and other forms of environmental exploitation as a sin of modern times. 

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Coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea have declined more than 50% since 1970. 

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So far there are 240,125 displaced people in Paraguay by the rains of the past months: 50,000 in Brazil and 14,000 in Argentina.  

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The tens of thousands of children showing up on the United States/Mexico border have generated plenty of interest in the Latin American media.  News outlets there have noted U.S. reactions, over reactions, and lack of reaction, the question of “security,” President Obama’s trip to Texas, and the political implications of the crisis.  They have explored

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In Ecuador the old adage that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” hits a high note. 

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The Eclectic Arts Festival (FEA) names and describes an annual event that lasts 15 days, from July 16 until the end of the month, and that for the third year in a row showcases an urban and diverse side of Salvadoran artistic production. 

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