In his fourth year of the presidency, Humala has one last chance to impress Peruvians.  

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The Table of Democratic Unity (MUD) confessed that the alliance must be better connected todifferent sectors of the country.   

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A new project will rescue a Colombian rail line with a $275 million peso investment. 

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Several members of congress have made ​​trips to idyllic locations under the pretense of attending courses, workshops, meetings, and conferences. 

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Hondurans await the arrival of 25,000 Salvadorans during August vacations. 

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A Brazilian tourism minister expects “World Cup effect” will help Rio surpass the estimates of visitors for the 2016 Olympics. 

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Any trip or tour package to Peru should come with a “Three for the Price of One” tag. 

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On Aug.15, the Panama Canal will celebrate 100 years since it opened and became an epicenter of world trade. 

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The July 30, 2014 deadline for Argentina and its hold-out “vulture” creditors to come to an agreement and comply with the order of U.S. Federal Judge Thomas Griesa came and went.  In the lead up to the deadline Argentina remained defiant.  Argentine Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich stayed on message and insisted that the vulture funds

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Poets from Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Bolivia, Uruguay, Spain, Venezuela, Ecuador, the United States and Luxembourg joined the Chilean poet Oscar Hahn, author of “El arte de morir” (“The Art of Dying”), in attending the Sixth Festival of Latin American Poetry in Buenos Aires which began on Tuesday, July 22. 

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