For most Argentines the original peoples ceased to exist: they were wiped out, good riddance. That, anyway, is what many were taught in school. 

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Moving children to, and over, the U.S. border is a big business; the region’s leaders say they are going to do something about it, but commentators are not so sure; Mexico plans to shut down traffic on “the beast.” 

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During a signing the Governor of California, Jerry Brown, recommended that Mexican legislators get “tough” regarding the regulations that apply to private companies in the energy sector.  

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The U.S. Government announced the revocation of visas for some Venezuelan officials allegedly involved in violations of human rights and repression of protests by opposition groups. 

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The Bolivia/Chile border will remain underdeveloped if their governments can’t agree on a deal; Bolivia remains defiant in face of Chile’s legal challenge in the border dispute. 

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The border between Ecuador and Colombia has 62 clandestine crossings that are used for drug trafficking, military supplies, medicines, cement, firearms, chemicals, commodities and fuel smuggling and tanks of gas.  Now there will be cameras watching. 

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The private sectors from Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia agreed to form a business lobby, Urupabol, to combat protectionist policies and other obstacles implemented inside Mercosur, mainly by senior members Argentina and Brazil. 

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Brazil’s inflation imperils President Rousseff’s reelection bid; São Paulo will be the main battleground in the election, while rejection of the president grows in large urban centers; and the water crisis could be a wild card.

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The Conservative Party presented a bill to eliminate the new system of presidential reelection, while Senators Álvaro Uribe and Ivan Cepeda made their personal animosity clear enough, even for anyone who was not paying attention. 

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Politicos and analysts spoke of the need for unity on the left, and critics kept up the ongoing struggle against energy reform. 

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