A coalition of NGOs denounced the Peruvian government’s acceptance of an environmental impact study submitted in support of the controversial Tía María mining project. 

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Ombudsman Rolando Villena ordered compliance with a judgment demanding a reversal of the eviction notice for the indigenous communities in the timber area of Pando. 

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Brazil’s agricultural competitiveness is a concern to countries and trade blocks who are negotiating agreements with Brazil, according to Ambassador Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita, head of the Economics Department of the country’s Ministry of Foreign Relations. 

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Visiting South Africa Bachelet drew comparisons between the two countries’ recent histories. 

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The project is aimed at lending money to developing nations for investments, much like how the American and European-backed International Monetary Fund and World Bank operate. 

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During the World Cup in Brazil U.S. Vice President Joe Biden visited President Dilma Rousseff.  This was an important step towards the resumption of bilateral relations, seriously shaken last year by American espionage against Brazilian companies, citizens, and even President Rousseff herself. 

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The U.S. sent Latin American youths to Cuba to push for political change; it didn’t go well. 

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After six years of living in Honduras Matthew Keister thinks he knows why children and adolescents, “at least those from the La Ceiba area,” (where he lives) are leaving for the United States, either with coyotes or entirely on their own.  

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Chile and Argentina are close to sealing the financing terms of the US$1 billion trans-Andean Agua Negra tunnel. 

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Fugitives have made it into several parts of the country and the army has offered rewards for information on the escaped prisoners. 

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