There are growing concerns about the increase of unemployment in Latin America, despite projections that the region’s economies will continue to grow. 

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Brazil has targeted Petrobras contractors as its corruption probe expands. 

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Argentina has a plan to bypass the vulture funds.  Economy minister Axel Kicillof has praised the results of a recent debt swap. 

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Economic mega projects are among the largest producers of social conflicts in the country.  Groups affected have reported imprisonment and murder.  And 2014 closed with a good deal of pessimism about Mexico’s economy. 

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Thousands of Guatemalans living abroad and foreign visitors send money. 

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The economic growth that Panama has had in recent years seems to have had little impact on the economy of Panamanian households. 

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Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has decided to take a more active role in PT dialogue with social movements and promises to help them press President Dilma Rousseff to meet their demands, while Franco-Brazilian thinker and academic Michel Löwy, who was on tour for the release of his new book on Weber and

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Members of the PRD were responsible for the disappearance of the Ayotzinapa students, and this has devastated the party.  Yet President Peña Nieto and his cabinet seem to have lost the confidence of many former supporters.

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Though APRA appears to have “returned to the center of the political stage,” in reality it could be “weaker than ever.” 

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Obama’s announcement on Cuba deprives the Uribistas of their best arguments against the peace process. 

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