Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: The concept of “Desdoblamiento cambiario,” or exchange rate bifurcation in Argentina, may be a potential solution to the country’s currency control challenges.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: In a shift from previous years when unions, students, and feminists held more prominence, there has been a significant rise in the influence of Indigenous groups in Colombia.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Two exhibitions to great masters of Argentinian art, Eduardo Sívori and Prilidiano Pueyrredón, have arrived in the National Museum of Fine Arts and in Pueyrredón’s home in San Isidro.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Amid escalating political tensions and legal challenges in Guatemala, a virtual meeting between United States and Guatemalan officials underscores international concerns and emphasizes support for a peaceful transition of power.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Bolivia’s financial landscape is positioned for significant changes with the recent entry of two major Chinese banks, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and the Bank of China, aiming to promote the use of the yuan in domestic transactions.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: In a recent political development in Colombia, the election for the presidency of the National Electoral Council (CNE) took an unexpected turn, defying the predictions of a close race, where a consensus prevailed over contentious competition.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: The United States has expressed a desire for Mexico to intensify its efforts against drug trafficking, specifically urging for more captures of drug traffickers and the dismantling of additional fentanyl laboratories.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Political and legal controversies surround the Usurpation Law in Chile, particularly focusing on the penalties associated with non-violent usurpations of land or housing.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03, 2023: Renowned ethologist Konrad Lorenz posited that inherent aggression exists in all living beings, a concept predating today’s era of social media.

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Issue Sep 20-26 2023: On September 26, 2023, Mexicans marked the ninth anniversary of the abduction (and probable murder) of the 43 “normalistas,” and the confirmed murder of 3 more, from the Escuela Normal Rural Raúl Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero. In the months after the disappearances, then President Enrique Peña Nieto’s attorney general, Jesús

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