Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) is a free trade agreement between Latin American countries that seeks to generate trade and investment opportunities through the competitive integration of economies into the international market.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The municipality of Trancoso in sunny Bahia, Brazil, is a paradisiacal landscape made all the more inviting by its five star hospitality.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: That the EU-Mercosur trade deal has not been successfully closed over two decades of negotiations – and that it only gained its footing under the right-wing administrations of Bolsonaro and Macri – is a testament to its continually unfavorable nature for South America and Brazil, itself a product of long-standing European

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The population of Central Americans in the United States has increased by 47.7% over the course of a single decade, from 3,998,280 people to 5,907,332, according to statistics provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: A private investigation has revealed that, despite dramatic increases in prices due to inflation, Argentinian beef continues to be cheaper than that purchased in Uruguay and Chile.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD) reported that the monthly indicator of economic activity (IMAE) registered an interannual expansion of 3.6% in October 2023, being the highest monthly rate of the year.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Starting on the 20th of December 2023, the Ortega dictatorship conducted a sweep of arbitrary detentions against dozens of Nicaraguan Catholic religious leaders in an act of retaliation against priests who prayed for the release of Bishop Rolando Álvarez, who has been imprisoned by the regime for over 515 days.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Growing conflicts in the Middle East, coupled with ship attacks and an El Niño-induced drought, are disrupting global trade, forcing shipping companies to alter routes.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The year 2023 witnessed unprecedented migration dynamics on Mexico’s northern border, profoundly impacting trade particularly with the United States and raising concerns about the lack of coordinated strategies.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador has disclosed a $2.5 million contract for the “Service of Advertising and Dissemination of Messages and Campaigns of the National Government,” aiming to align activities with the new administration’s communication strategy.

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