–Researched and written by Isabella Solano— Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego, the current president of Colombia, has experienced a notable increase in his disapproval rating. This rise can be attributed to shared sentiments regarding his administration among the Colombian population: unfulfilled promises, failure to deliver changes, polarizing policies, controversial positions on international

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–Researched and written by Katherine Prantl—Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The phenomenon of migrants disappearing, whether it be through forced disappearances, human trafficking, or other perilous circumstances, has emerged as a pressing global issue. The unsettling reality of individuals embarking on a journey in search of better opportunities, safety, or refuge, only to vanish without a

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: On Sunday, December 10, 2023, Javier Milei took office as president of Argentina. He claimed that he had inherited the nastiest situation ever bestowed on an Argentine president. He told Argentines that there is “no money,” and that they should expect lots of pain to rectify the horrible situation caused by

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: What lessons can be taken as to the state of Latin American democracy from the four presidential elections which took place in the region during 2023?

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: María Seoane was a profound Argentine journalist, economist, and film director who passed away on December 27, 2023.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: A 34-year-old woman was assaulted in a restaurant in the Brazilian city of Recife (PE), after leaving the women’s restroom.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: With the re-opening of the bookstore Clásica y Moderna in Buenos Aires, the city has recovered a major cultural refuge.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: The end of a long strike at Notimex, the Mexican State News Agency, has come with the closing of the company and liquidation of its workers.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Nestled in the heart of Argentina’s Neuquén province, San Martín de los Andes emerges as a captivating blend of natural splendor and cultural richness, ranking it among the country’s top ten holiday destinations.

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Issue Dec 01-31 2023: Research led by Lorena Antezana from the University of Chile indicates that despite evolving TV consumption habits such as on-demand programming and streaming, young Chileans continue to watch local soap operas.

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