Issue Jan 01-09 2024: 2023 was a difficult year for every nation but Colombia’s difficulties included the direction of the economy, immigration, climate change, and the “collapse” of ethics and morality.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Bernardo Arévalo, the president-elect of Guatemala, met with Xiomara Castro, the president of Honduras in Tegucigalpa on January 4.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Javier Milei, former national representative of Buenos Aires, has recently won the presidency in Argentina.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: There has been an “avalanche” of requests to Spain from Cuba and Argentina of individuals claiming Spanish descendancy in order to qualify for citizenship.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Pope Francis called on the international community to ban surrogacy, furthering the discussion on surrogacy in Argentina.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: The sixth of January sees celebrations dedicated to the Three Kings, Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar, who on that day arrived from the east to Bethlehem to meet the child of Mary and Joseph, the baby Jesus.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: The effects of climate change can be seen across Brazil’s renowned natural landscapes, from dry Amazonian riverbeds to flooding in the South, with scientists warning that such extreme phenomena will become increasingly frequent due to climate change.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Ex-presidents, ex-directors, and artists involved with the Argentinian National Fund for the Arts (FNA) signed a public letter opposing categorically the institution’s defunding as proposed by President Milei’s ambitious “omnibus bill.”

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: Twenty-five years after the founding of El Faro, the iconic Central American digital newspaper, its director Carlos Dada has published a collection of ten articles seeking to explain the region’s democratic backslide, a backslide which has forced him and many other regional journalists into exile.

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Issue Jan 01-09 2024: While we tend to see nature as something static, it is in fact composed of living plants and animals which react and respond to stimuli and pressures in their environment just as humans do.

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