During January 2016, the government of Buenos Aires announced its long held plans to close down the Jardín Zoólogico de Buenos Aires S.A. in order to give life to a new Eco Park.

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After the recent conflict between police and teachers protesting the latest Mexican educational reforms in Oaxaca, Sandra Russo writes in solidarity with the protesters and explains similarities between what is currently happening in Oaxaca and various other examples of the state exerting control over its citizens.

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With almost 4 in every 10 of its citizens still living in poverty and a 15.8% illiteracy rate, Nicaragua is far from achieving the Millennium Development Goals it accepted in 2001.

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Socioeconomic conditions tend to determine the lifestyle decisions of Hondurans, including the choice of a career to make a living. While some choose to pursue a gratifying career, others are aware of the delicate job market and go into fields that are most likely to generate a stable income.

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Each year Comedores Económicos, or Economical Kitchens, reaches out to low income families by providing over 10 million servings of cooked food and over 1 million servings of uncooked food to those in need. Ramón-Monchy-Rodríguez has been the administrator for this program beginning in August 2012.

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